03 May 2020


So sorry I have been absent, my computer died and I had to get another one.

So how are you going?

I have been super busy cleaning the house, rearranging and culling all sorts of things.

My husband Stephen made the comment "One day I am going to come home to a different house"

We not quite right but in lots of ways yes 😂

I have been making a few cards in between working still as a teachers aide at the local high school.

We have been still working on a split roster and taking it in turns to work. Nathaniel (16) is still going to school, and my youngest Matthew (14) is at home most days to work from home while we stay safe.

So here is a card I made the other week.

Thanks again for stopping by, xx Pauline

Hope that helps, Thanks for stopping by xx

Pauline Bennetts
Stampin' Up! Ⓡ Demonstrator  - Australia

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